Follow Your Dreams...

...Whatever they may be... big or small... simple or complex!

If it's something that you aspire to do or become, then follow that dream. Each and everyday I adhere to this myself. I am constantly in the process of moving forward and believing that I will attain what I have my heart set on. But, it's not an easy trip by any means. Sometimes it can feel like a long and uncertain road. At times, paved with stumbling blocks or areas of darkness. But in order to make it through I look to to the heaven... to the stars and beyond and use that as my light.

Then other times, it seems that the my dreams are right within arm's reach... so close that I can feel them... I'm almost there. I have seen and experienced so many positive signs of confirmation and refuse to stop. Faith and hard work never fail.

But when I need an extra boost of inspiration, I listen to "Closer" by Goaple. The lyrics are so beautiful and fitting.

For some reason, I just felt a wave of inspiration and wanted to share it with others. So, keep going... keep moving ...keep following your DREAMS but don't forget to recognize the value of the journey. I guarantee that it will be worth it.

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