Practice Makes Perfect

Most people are aware that before the wedding day, there is usually a rehearsal to practice walking up the aisle, locating where the bridal party will stand and to run through any details (like the unity candle ceremony, readings, etc.). But what most people may not be aware of is that, on the wedding day, not only is the bride and groom nervous... but also their bridal party.

I always chuckle inside at the fact that even after practicing the day before, there is usually at least one jittery bridesmaid or groomsman that looks at me with wide eyes and says "Where do I stand again?"..."When do I walk?"... "How do I hold my flowers?"... LOL!

I already know that it's usually going to happen due to "stage fright". So, I'm always prepared with a smile and a calm reply. Yet, even through the nerves, everything always works out perfectly once they take that first step down the aisle.

Rehearsing the bride's processional with her father...

A little more practicing with the bridal party and officiant...

Now for the real thing...

Another happy couple made it down the aisle PERFECTLY!

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